Blog Post

Why Haven't I Heard of the MAP Method of Neural Retraining?

Madeleine Lowry, NTP, CMMP • September 7, 2022

Learn about the latest neural retraining technique that works directly with the subconscious mind.

Video Transcript

Hi, Madeleine Lowry, certified MAP Method practitioner. I'm here to answer the question: Why haven't I heard of this method before--the MAP Method?

The MAP Method is a very new method of advanced neural retraining. It is only a few years old and there are only a couple of hundred practitioners in the world, and so that is why you haven't heard of it.

The method has grown out of the energy psychology methods of the 1980s. You may have heard of techniques like EMDR, or EFT, or tapping. These are methods that work with memories that help to release painful emotions by using bilateral stimulation, eye movements, or other kinds of bilateral stimulation. With this method there is no need for any of that. The brain does it itself because we are working directly with the subconscious mind. We can just ask it to neutralize the memory. 

But, not only does it neutralize the one memory that you're focusing on, we harness the power of the subconscious mind to find the related memories and so it neutralizes a cluster of memories at the same time.

Now, we are not erasing memories. This is not about erasing memories. This is about neutralizing the intense emotions around the memory. Why? Because the subconscious operating system of the mind uses emotional intensity as a kind of prioritization system. 

This is how nature intended it. Any experience that has a high emotional intensity, that's an experience and that is a pattern that is highly prioritized in the operating system of your mind. By neutralizing the emotions we can downgrade the importance of that pattern and that circuit and we can make it less likely to fire.

So, the the brain is rewired in a very gentle, very easy way just facilitated by a practitioner over a zoom video conference. There's no need to go anywhere, no need for equipment. So this is really, well it's described as a quantum leap over EMDR and tapping and I do believe it is.

In fact it can't really be put into the category of energy psychology anymore. It is something new; it is a quantum level modality. With this method we can rewire the brain during a session. The changes are happening in your brain in the session.

And, as I explained before, the shifts happen in a certain order: emotional shifts first, then mental patterns, and then physical patterns, or what we call symptoms. 

How long does it take? Well, this very much depends on how significant your trauma history is. People with more significant histories of lifetime trauma tend to need more sessions. People who have deeper more entrenched patterns, a pattern that has been going on for years and decades, that's something that will take longer to unwind. 

But, generally speaking, you know, it doesn't take forever. Generally speaking, most people are noticing changes on a physical level around sessions four, five, or six so, it's pretty fast and the changes are durable.

If you're curious, but you want to be able to figure out how you can evaluate this for yourself I do recommend signing up for the Introductory Session-- it's one hour.

We meet over Zoom video conference and during that session your mind will be initiated to the MAP method. You watch a 15-minute video before you come to the session and we do a few preparatory steps at the beginning. It's just me talking to your subconscious mind while you breathe and relax with your eyes closed, because this is an eyes closed process of rewiring the subconscious mind. 

We work on an emotional topic because in order for you to have confidence that this is working for you I want you to feel the the difference in emotional intensity from the beginning to the end of the session and for this we want to work on a specific memory that has emotional intensity. 

It can be something that makes you feel really sad or something that makes you feel really ashamed or angry or afraid. Or maybe you have a phobia that you want to work on? 

Usually within one session you will notice a distinct difference. You will notice that emotional intensity dropping and that is how you will come to understand what the potential is of this method. So, I encourage you to try an Introductory Session. 

The other thing you could do to learn more is to visit my podcast page and listen to episodes of the Flourish with Neural Retraining podcast. The first 30 episodes are about nutrition. But now I have a collection of episodes that are all about the MAP method: the origins, frequently asked questions, stories from wellness practitioners and why they refer patients to me, and also a collection of stories from my clients where they talk about what they experienced--what changes they noted with a set of three or six or eight sessions. 

So, I encourage you to check that out! Thanks for listening.

Learn More

Madeleine Lowry, NTP, CMMP

Certfied MAP Method Practitioner

Madeleine specializes in neural retraining for chronic conditions. As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, she  worked with many clients who were interested in eliminating allergies, sensitivities and intolerances. After learning a basic method and seeing its limitations, she trained in an advanced method of retraining the brain and now offers MAP sessions over Zoom and online self-paced programs for Anxiety/Depression, Sensitivities, Chronic Pain, Self-Healing, and COVID Long.

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