Join me for episode 44 where we talk with my client, Derrick Johnson, about MAP sessions for recurring fears, stomach pain, food sensitivities, and high blood pressure. Hear about his experience with the advanced neural retraining method, called the MAP Method, and how it compares to hypnotherapy. Learn about the emotional, mental and physical improvements he noted after 6 sessions and how early life trauma can set the stage for a compounding belief structure that leads to chronic illness.
In this episode we discuss:
Don’t miss episode 40 where we talk with my client, Helen, about her experience with MAP sessions for chronic pain. For more information on my approach and services, please visit to sign up for your introductory session or a free consultation by phone.
Madeleine specializes in neural retraining for chronic conditions. As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, she worked with many clients who were interested in eliminating allergies, sensitivities and intolerances. After learning a basic method and seeing its limitations, she trained in an advanced method of retraining the brain and now offers MAP sessions over Zoom and online self-paced programs for Anxiety/Depression, Sensitivities, Chronic Pain, Self-Healing, and COVID Long.