Client Stories

Advanced Neural Retraining for Chronic Health Issues

Since the last session, I saw that I’ve punished myself. I was blaming myself for not being smart enough, now I understand that I was traumatized, and I did pretty well. It created a shift in me and I’m not attacking myself anymore.”


How I felt at our last session and how I feel now is like night and day. The dissociation is better and the panic attacks have been minimal. I’m feeling my body more, I'm calmer and my mind is more still. Thank you for all the healing so far!


I am not wiped out and or aggravated like I have been previously with other energy therapy or treatments. I love the method, it really resonates with me.


After our last session, my self-perception improved. The deep sense of self-loathing went away. This is the biggest shift so far and I know it is because of MAP.  My food struggles are not gone but they are WAY less challenging.


My brain fog has improved a lot. My memory is better, and I can handle a lot more mental tasks and I’m more motivated. I’m feeling better emotionally too, not numb. I feel like my emotional wellbeing is elevated. Recent small conflicts have not been as hurtful.


I am starting to picture more positive thoughts throughout the day...less burdened by the worry of work worries has less weight occupying my mind.


“I wish I’d known about MAP a long time ago. I feel like I wasted a lot of time and money doing other things and all these different protocols. I feel like whenever your body is stuck in fight or flight, if you’re trying to do these detoxes, heavy metals and parasites [it’s a waste]]… If your body is stuck in this stress state, you can take $500 in supplements and I don’t think you are going to get anywhere. With MAP it’s so easy and smooth. MAP is so unique. It’s very special, truly.”

Hear Nicki's Story

It’s surprising how much better I’m doing. It’s really great! I used to do physical therapy for my back pain every day and I haven’t needed to do that. I’ve re-expanded my diet and I feel more positive.


For a handful of years now, I’ve struggled with fatigue, however since our first session, I’ve had much more energy.


I've noticed a big difference. I’m feeling more relaxed around sharp objects. I've been telling myself that I am safe. Since the last session I've noticed a healthier difference in this area with no repetitive negative thoughts.


My mind and body are changing so much since I started MAP sessions. Tension in my neck has resolved. I have less brain fog and more mental clarity. My fatigue is steadily improving. I am more smooth when interacting with other people and I resolve my emotions as they come up.


I usually think of myself as a slow processor, but I just had an epiphany during the session! It’s like 800 therapy sessions rolled into one.


I feel calmer and I haven’t had any heart palpitations or any heart symptoms at all since our last session. I’m also in the process of adding more foods, which is great!


“I'm much more relaxed than I've ever been in my life. I've finally realized how tense my body has been my entire life...  I'm just letting myself relax for the first time in my life. And that is huge. And I think that's so important to my recovery, just realizing it if nothing else. And also, I can just turn the thoughts down and enjoy the moment. I've never done that in my life."

Hear Tess's Story

I developed ITP (an autoimmune condition) approximately 7 years ago and at every checkup since then my platelet count was around 95-100. Normal range is 140-400. Well, on today's checkup it was 129! (The diagnostic criteria for ITP is <100.) That means that I don't have this condition anymore. I am attributing this success mainly to my stubborn meditation practice that I've been doing diligently for 2 years, but also to MAP…


The sessions are so powerful. I had a vision after our session today of meeting a side of myself I haven't met and how fun and curious it is to get to know what this side of me likes & dislikes. I can see life is more enjoyable already.


I was setting my boundaries with my family over the holidays and it went well, thanks to MAP. I was able to ask for what I needed and didn’t run myself ragged. I could see things so clearly this time and I could make decisions about what I let roll and what I spoke up about. I caught myself trying to people-please and it was the first time ever that I could see what was happening in real time.


Last week I was feeling very fragile and emotional about treatment decisions that I continue to wrestle with. The MAP session helped a lot in just feeling more at peace with the entire drama going on in my head.


I have been feeling better almost everyday. My thoughts are starting to slow down and get more positive. My focus is starting to come back as well. Physically my sleep is much better, falling asleep easier and waking up closer to a more natural time for me. Also, the tingling in my fingers is gone.


I’m super excited and impressed. No more “gritty” feeling about the person in the memory we worked on. I felt more organized and productive since the last session. There’s been more ease and less frustration.


“I had brain fog for 10 years. I used to be a big reader, but I couldn't even read out loud to my kids because I couldn't remember what I'd just read. After our 6th MAP session it totally went away and we did not even work on that specifically!" - Susan

Hear Susan's Story

I feel more confident in myself. My paradigm has shifted; I’m not as emotionally, mentally or physically distraught. MAP is really working for me. I‘ve grown so much!.


I have noticed that when I have headaches the frequency and intensity is less.


Since last session, I have noticed much less stress while driving, I've also been able to enjoy time with friends, and I've noticed moments where I feel my guard actually drop and I feel more open as myself.


I am aware of increased energy and a somewhat better perspective on my circumstances and relationships.


My experience of my job changed tremendously. I’m a completely different person at work now.


My body is functioning better.  I don't have the same level of hang-ups about small things I need to do.


“We did a session on chronic pain that came on at 10 o’clock at night that would keep me awake until 2 or 3 in the morning which had been going on for months. We explored where that could be coming from and it wrapped around to the trauma of the surgical experience when I’d woken up trapped in a room where the medical staff were ignoring me. When we cleared that trauma, the pain symptoms stopped. That pain pattern doesn’t happen anymore." - Alia

Hear Alia's Story

So, it's been just over a month now since our first session and when I go back to said memory, it's dramatically reduced in both intensity and overall emotional connection. I can not put into words what this has done for me. Thank you!.


How wonderful to do this work. This awareness and healing process is wonderful. I am most surprised at how fear has controlled so much of what I do for such a long time and how deeply it was hidden from my awareness! Freedom feels so nice!!


For the last two years I’ve had a burning sensation in my back that is triggered by stress. Since our last session it has mostly gone away.


In general, just more at peace with being me. Not as much fear of others pointing out that I'm inadequate or worthless. There's a little bit more enjoyment of life after each session.


A few days after the session, I had the most profound shift of any therapy I’ve tried, and I’ve tried a lot. A dark cloud lifted off me. I stopped being triggered by the woman at work. I started getting joy from being a teacher again. I haven’t felt that in a year and a half. My executive function came back—I’m making decisions. I feel confident again. I”m back!


I feel the need to use the bathroom a few less times before leaving the house than before last session. I’ve also been spending a lot of time thinking about how guilt and other character traits have been ruling my life.


“Physical effects I have noticed from MAP sessions: I had an uneasy feeling in my gut often before we started, though not as severe as IBS, I don’t have that anymore. I don’t have stomach issues at all anymore. I had more food sensitivities, and I eat whatever I want now. My skin issues have improved and my sleep has improved... I used the MAP for Sensitivities Program and de-sensitized myself to mold.” - Josie

Hear Josie's Story

 My thyroid is way better since we started to work together. Nothing else I have tried has changed me as much as MAP. Even since our last session I have more energy, I lost some water weight and I didn’t have dry skin for a month afterwards.


After we treated that traumatic memory I felt completely relaxed. I have an overwhelming sense of relief. My hands are warm and I feel floaty. I can’t explain what happened.


I used MAP on the Go twenty times on a day when I was feeling pain and the next day I felt so good! This has happened twice in the last two weeks. I also noticed that I was less drawn in to my partner’s emotional states, a significant improvement.


My sense of smell has improved. The specific things we’ve worked on are less charged. My stomach is less sensitive and I’m feeling more resilient.


There was a definite improvement after the third session: my nervous system felt calmer. I’m not awakening with anxiety. I’m more able to hold my boundaries with others.


I feel more empowered. I’m able to set better boundaries and not feel guilty about it.


“Overall, what the experience has felt like is like mental house cleaning that I couldn’t otherwise figure out how to do. Over the course of time since we began my attention and focus has improved, some of the clutter in my brain has cleared and I feel clearer. I have a more firm sense across the realm--in  work, in my personal life, in my relationship with myself--all of it feels much clearer and I feel more powerful in being myself. I feel like a better version of myself.” - Wendi

Hear Wendi's Story

My sleep has improved after our sessions. I used to jolt awake at night and not be able to fall asleep again. That doesn’t happen anymore. I haven’t had to think or worry about it in a while.


Since our last session, I noticed that my anxiety reduced, I’ve had less gas and constipation. I also noticed that since we’ve been working together the itchy bumps I used to get on my arms have gone away.


I don’t feel as triggered/ emotionally sensitive about things I normally get insecure about. I feel less tension and anger in my mind.


I definitely feel less stressed at work. I feel calmer after every session. I have told so many people about you.


Today’s session is exactly what I need. This evening I find myself taking deep breaths and feeling the way I do after a deep, long cry. It’s clear that much is being released. My intuitive friend called out of the blue this afternoon and said she wanted to let me know that she sensed a shift in me - as though I emerged out of a deep hole. I love the confirmation!


I felt more calm for a few weeks after our session. Immediately afterwards my sleep was so much more sound.


“So, during the time we were working together, August and September, that was the biggest leaps in recovery, now that I think about it. The brain fog was starting to dissipate and I was starting to physically start to do things I hadn’t done in many months. I was taking my son swimming and bike riding. Since then my symptoms have flared up, but before if I did any activity with my son, I’d have to rest for the week, just to be able to see him again. That time where I was having more bad days than good days has switched to having more good days than bad.” - Joe

Hear Joe's Story

My blood test results came back and my white cell counts are mostly in the normal range. Amazing! I’ve been feeling my emotions more, my vertigo is better, headaches nearly gone, I’m more relaxed, and my hair is growing in. This is the modality that is helping me the most!


The biggest change from the previous session, is that my esophagus feels 90% better and can usually get everything down within seconds and rarely within minutes, but no longer hours, except sometimes at night


I feel less anxiety, especially around trying to fix my health fast, or take desperate action. I’m more aware of my inner dialogue.


It’s only my first session and already this method has exceeded my expectations. 


I’m more active now, I have more energy and less brain fog. I’m doing things again with less physical repercussions. I’ve started to feel happiness and joy again. I feel like I am coming out of this illness.


For a couple of days, I felt really light. I woke up one day and thought: I love my life! And last night I slept through the night. I didn’t wake in the middle of the night, which has been my pattern for years.


“It’s pretty profound really, what can happen with the MAP for Sensitivities Program. [In terms of food sensitivities] gluten was big, dairy, nightshades, beans and legumes. Now, I just eat. Really, the idea that food is safe, that it’s nourishing and healthy, that’s a mantra I used during the whole first month. I trust my body to eat what is healthy. Just changing that whole pattern of thinking about it..” - Geri

Hear Geri's Story

I am much calmer and more rational in the face of the unknown. I feel less dread leading up to events perceived as stressful; more control in directing thoughts about catastrophe or doom.


My anger has definitely improved. In certain situations it is easier to choose patience, and the likelihood of anything causing anger has gone down. Another positive pattern is that there is immediate recognition that I’ve been much too harsh and I can recover and readdress the situation. In the past, the anger used to last for days.


I notice I find it much easier to either not be bothered or to let it go if I am, if something happens while I'm driving. I am much less triggered by other people’s bad driving.


I've noticed that many mornings I wake up feeling joyful. A sense of happiness that I haven't felt in a while. I also think back to some of the topics we worked on and the previous tension feels diluted almost like I know the topic bothers me, but the emotions are not as intense.


I've been feeling much much less anxiety regarding people, germs, and COVID. I am no longer flinching when I hug people! :) More at peace, more calm even in situations where the risk is high and my body would generally be on high alert.


After one session, what I noticed is that I'm more aware of the patterned behavior, I see it coming on and then myself acting.  I am judging myself less and feel the end of this cycle coming.

Lee Anne

“I have a low level of anxiety that is running like a motor all the time. What I have found most distinctly, significantly, with the MAP Method is that the engine has gone down. That sense of anxiety has reduced. It’s subtle, but clear. I can find my equilibrium more quickly. I’m not waking with that sense of anxiety in the middle of the night. It’s been very positive in that regard.” - Cilla

Hear Cilla's Story

I’m extremely pleased with the results from my first session. The memories don’t feel painful. I don’t feel like crying. It’s drastically better.


In the month since our last session, I’ve not had any episodes of binge eating. I’ve been making more of an effort to speak my mind now that I’ve made the connection between using food to stifle expression of my needs.


 I often feel left out and ignored around social interactions at work. After our session, I felt much more neutral when those situations happened. I just didn’t care as much.


The itchiness has lessened. Also, despite several stressful situations I’m handling things really well and have more energy than before.


I seem more "clear" in my mind and body. I've been less dizzy and shaky when waking up. I've also started walking outside in the morning - maybe 20 minutes? I feel a little bit more joy.


I had a big shift with issues regarding my mom.  I feel lighter emotionally, things are easier.


“I’ve had thyroid issues for 10 years now and worked with Dr. Eric Balcavage for a couple of years on my thyroid health. After our MAP sessions, I’m taking much less thyroid medication, about half, and I have much better energy. Basically every symptom I experienced before MAP has improved 50-80%. It’s dramatically different, and the positive impacts have stayed. I wasn’t expecting the benefits to be as noticeable.” - Frances

Hear Frances' Story

I feel like I’m more on-task, organized and tracking well. I’ve been able to stay calm and positive during stressful periods.


I’ve been doing magnet therapy for 7 years, which addresses parasites, infections and many other things. After our MAP sessions, the practitioner told me: "There is nothing here to treat.” I’ve been feeling pretty good, good energy and walking every day.


I’m feeling lighter and less triggered. I’ve been feeling happier overall.


The 60 minutes I spent with you two weeks ago was more impactful than all the years of therapy I’ve done.”


My sadness around my uncle’s death disappeared after our session. Instead I have been able to enjoy all the memories I have of him. In general, I now have a heightened awareness of how things really are in my life and I feel less encumbered now.


My skin has improved. I’ve had skin issues called granuloma annulare and it’s starting to clear up, which is encouraging.


“My emotional and mental health are always improved after each session. My relationship OCD, which is what I originally came to you for, is better. I’m now very happily secure in my relationship, I’m getting married in 3 months, and I could not be more excited.” - Lea

Hear Lea's Story

I was just shocked after the last session when I realized all the intense emotions around my daughter’s illness, which I’d been avoiding thinking about, were gone.


I'm spending more time outside, I've weeded and planted my garden, and I'm even watering it. I've never done all 3 things before the end of May. I have a little more mental energy and clarity, and can feel positive emotions a little more.


I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy working with you and how highly I think of you. Thanks for all of your help and support.


I feel much more relaxed than normal (physically, mentally, and emotionally). Background brain noise is reduced and sleep improved for the first week after our session.


I am less sensitive to triggers, and have fewer mold sensitivity symptoms. I used to get severe burning skin like pinpricks and itchy, pain and swelling in my neck, my sinuses would hurt and a headache and I’d become irritable and rageful. I’d have rated those symptoms an 8 out of 10. Now my symptoms are a 2 or 3 out of 10. I’m less reactive, and have less burning and itching overall.


No migraines since our session! I’ve had some twinges, but they did not develop into migraines.


“This summer…I did some blood work and for the first time in 3 years, my thyroid numbers were all in range. I thought that was significant…And this was in the middle of one of the biggest stresses in our lives. That was confirmation for me that the physiology was following the work we had done on the emotions.”  - Melissa

Hear Melissa's Story

During our session I realized that tinnitus was a coping mechanism, a protection from hearing things I don’t want to hear.


I tried both DNRS and Gupta for my sensitivities, and saw some improvement, but they moved too slowly and made me do too many weird things...MAP is amazing, I had a serious breakthrough last night. I’m so excited for where this is taking me.


This is the most helpful tool! I feel so much more stable emotionally and integrated. After one session I felt a major shift in my back.


Thank you so much Madeleine for the powerful session yesterday. I couldn't stop smiling after our session. 

My husband was very happy to see me so relaxed & radiant :-) And I woke up feeling so peaceful this morning. Something important shifted, I can feel it. 


A lot of things are shifting in a positive way around my sleep, my energy levels and my stamina. I can now do a 3.5 hour walk without my energy crashing the next day. Even my hair has suddenly gone silky the way it used to be.


Everything we have worked on has improved—fatigue, constipation, acne, food issues and sleep…


“In my experience, the most profound changes are always in the weeks following treatment. And, it’s why I will be regularly having MAP until I’ve really turned a huge corner...I’m noticing that a lot of the things that I struggle with--whether it’s physically, mentally or behaviors--are eased in the weeks after treatment..”  - Tena

Hear Tena's Story

I feel more confident, patient and accepting. My rash subsided. I’m more calm, less reactive and more able to be present in the moment.


What I’ve noticed since the last session is that I’m emotionally less reactive. It’s easier to let things go. My OCD got easier and the hives were not as bad.


I saw my brain smoothing memories over and other memories came into my mind that were related, I heard the words: No more fears. Now I feel quite calm and peaceful.


I saw a huge improvement in my anxiety by 4 days after our session. I had been feeing fragile, and very self-critical and all of that was neutralized.


During this session I observed a change in the pain pattern. My pain usually gets more intense the longer I sit, but now, after an hour, it's very mild.


Ever since I started MAP sessions, I feel like a different person. I experience things differently, I’m more clear-headed. There’s more free space in my head to be grateful and notice good things.


“Since we started working together I feel a greater sense of ease. I recover from emotional issues more easily-- they don’t take over my life the way they used to. Also, my MCAS symptoms are lighter and some seem to have gone into hibernation. My life no longer revolves around managing symptoms.”

“I have tried so many things and I can say unequivocally that the MAP Method has been the most helpful thing that I’ve done out of everything--the most tangible improvements in my health and my psycho-emotional well-being.”  - Dawn

Hear Dawn's Story

"I think this method is really working for me. I had some lab tests done that showed zero oxidative stress! My practitioner was surprised. She said: "Who has zero oxidative stress?"


"After our session I noticed the pain in my body was 80% less than it had been. Impressive!”


"After the MAP session I felt so deeply peaceful, calm and tired and slept wonderfully. It was a very deep session for me.”


“My neck feels looser and more relaxed. This work is incredible!”


“I’ve noticed less identification with digestive issues and illness. My situation felt hopeless, and it doesn’t now. Remarkable!”


"I am happy to say that since our session, I no longer have the fear of falling asleep. Now I think of it, the nightmares have stopped over the past week, too.”


“I'd lost my smell and taste, that's my main COVID symptom, and I'd tried everything--specialists, supplements, acupuncture, reflexology. It was really getting me down, affecting my mental health. I just thought there was no end -- that I'd never get my smell and taste back...The MAP for COVID program was good for my mental health, and my other symptoms...By week 3, I started to smell and taste a little bit...after completing 4 weeks I had most of my smell and taste back--a big improvement!”  - Rachael

Hear Rachael's Story

“I fell on my head a year ago and my nervous system has been in a state of crisis since then. I’ve had some periods of normalcy since the last session, and I thought: Oh, this is what it feels like to be normal!”


"I've had 2 sessions so far and I'm still in awe of the whole experience! If anyone is still on the fence I highly recommend trying it. It is gentle, powerful and fast. In my opinion all the things said about MAP are true; it IS superior to EMDR, tapping, talk therapy or brain retraining programs that need 6 months of work!”


“Of my food sensitivities, bananas were the worst and now I eat them everyday!”


“I have been feeling more even-keeled and the stresses in my life feel less emotionally charged. I’ve been using the recorded MAP audio file as well and that helps me to relax.”


“My sleep has improved a lot!! I am able to fall asleep more easily and am not waking up hardly at all in the middle of the night.”


"My vertigo is greatly improved. The traumatic incident with my mother-in-law is no longer looping in my thoughts. I no longer grind my teeth at night.”


"I have done many different types of healing work and felt I made some progress but it never felt like I was releasing stuck emotions effectively. That is until I did a technique called MAP.  I strongly recommend this technique. The technique works not just on stuck emotions but almost anything that is keeping you from feeling your best. Madeleine and I have worked on several of the radical remission practices for my cancer.” - Kathy (after 8 sessions)

There are 9 factors associated with radical remissions, as described in the book, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds by Kelly A. Turner, Ph.D. We worked on the three in bold below:

  1. Changing your diet
  2. Taking control of your health
  3. Following your intuition
  4. Using herbs and supplements
  5. Releasing suppressed emotions
  6. Increasing positive emotions
  7. Embracing social support
  8. Deepening your spiritual connection
  9. Having strong reasons for living
  10. Exercise (this was added after her book was published)

Hear Kathy's Story

“I feel calmer, less triggered and spend less time dwelling on issues around infertility.”


“It has been an amazing two weeks since our last session. I have felt incredibly relaxed and happy.”


“I feel substantially more settled since the last session. I’ve made great progress diversifying foods since then.”


“I had nervous tics in my shoulder and neck for years. After our session my husband said they were much better.”


“My TMJ pain, which I have always thought was a physical problem, went away momentarily during our session when I held the intention: I am willing to change the way I am in relationships. That was a big insight.”


“Since our last session I noticed: almost no PMS symptoms this month, less pain, less obsessive overthinking (or more easily dismissible)."


"The pain from my ankylosing spondylitis symptoms has decreased. The back and rib pain, sciatica and intercostal pain are less than half of what they used to be. My food intolerances are better too--I’m eating more foods and having less pain.” - Helen

Hear Helen's Story

"Since my last session I’ve noticed somewhat less anxiety around financial concerns and having a baby. The concerns are not gone but they are not as incapacitating as before.”


“I’ve noticed my asthma is better. I haven’t had to use my rescue inhaler, and I only use my steroid inhaler once a day now instead of twice. Also, my sleep is better and my sensitivity to sugar is reduced.”


“My memory still feels as neutral as it did at the end of our last session. I've notice that I have a greater sense of levity, more energy and I’m more optimistic. I’m not sweating the small stuff. Even more amazing—my eczema is 50% better!”


“After our session on high blood pressure, I’ve had normal blood pressure. It has been a month without bp meds. I had high blood for over 15 years. Thank you!”


"Today I felt a little anxiety as I knew I'd attempt driving on the freeway. Felt a little weird while driving but calmed down within a couple minutes. Being on the freeway, though brief, was less panicky than before.”


"Negative self-talk has been much better since our last session. Much less, “I can’t do anything right” kinds of thoughts."


"The speed at which these changes happen is one of the things that has really blown my mind...after our first session there was a change that was significant and fundamental and it happened in 60 minutes.” - Aaron

Hear Aaron's Story

“I feel 100 times more relaxed now than I did at the start of the session.”


“My hair shedding has slowed quite a bit, digestion is improved, people say I have more pep in my step and my constipation has resolved.”


“Amazing! I feel calm, more in control and less overwhelm.”


“I was just telling someone the other day about this, how 40 years of anxiety have resolved for me, and then I remembered, 'Oh yeah, and it’s only been 2 sessions.’” 


I felt really, really good after the session on Thursday! I feel more energetic... This is the best I've felt in years and years.


“I have reduced mold sensitivity symptoms after our sessions. My latest bloodwork showed that I needed to reduce my thyroid medication dosage, a sign that I was detoxing mold.”-


“Overall I have noticed a serious decrease in pain and such empowerment in being able to go out of my house and participate in life in new ways that I’ve avoided in the past because it was so challenging for my body.”  - Amy

Hear Amy's Story

“I haven’t felt as depressed or angry about my situation since we started to work together. I am feeling better mentally.”


"My anxiety levels have never been lower, and when anxiety does arise I use MAP on the Go to deal with it."


“I am starting to see more joy and balance in my life. I feel less anger over responsibilities and I feel more confident in my decisions."


“I’m loving this process. I’ve never found something that could release stuck emotions and negative thoughts like MAP.”


“I used to say that my only source of stress was not having any stress, but during our session I had a big insight into the causes behind my health issues.”


“My fatigue was 85% better for 2-3 days after the first session, and my OCD lessened a bit also, which was surprising.”


“I came in with 4 or 5 things I wanted to address, with fear being at the top of the list, chronic discomfort I felt in my stomach for years, high blood pressure, and also allergies and food sensitivities. With each session, there was improvement across the board.”  - Derrick

Hear Derrick's Story

“I have Hashimotos and two months after I started MAP sessions, all my thyroid levels were back in normal range, though I still had TPO antibodies. And since then my fertility hormones have improved over what they were 6 months ago.” 


“I’ve tried EMDR and EFT and they work to some extent, but MAP addresses issues more completely so that I can move on. After our sessions I no longer have the same anxious emotions. I can take in the information (from my doctors), accept it for what it is, and not get emotional about it.”


“After our last session I became less reactive to the smell of mold and more determined to do something about it.”


“The pain ebbed and flowed during the session, but right after the session it was gone. I have had a number of triggers since that would usually cause the pain, but it’s been good. When it has come back it’s been very slight.”


“I feel more confident since the last session and my abdominal issues went away—the pain, burning, nausea, aches and cramps. I cancelled my appointment with the gastroenterologist!”


“My health has been better, mentally and physically, than it has been in years. My energy is good, my digestion is good, I feel good."


"I’m so over-the-moon excited about how MAP has completely changed my life. Of all the therapies, all the money I’ve ever spent on anything, this has had the most significant impact on my life.” - Kelly

Hear Kelly's Story

I felt so light and amazing for hours after my first session. This is hands-down the best therapy I’ve ever experienced.


I’m sleeping better since the last session. About 4-6 hours a night—a huge improvement! It used to be 2-4 hours. The severe fatigue is better and so is the pain in my wrists and fingers. I’m less anxious and more confident.


I’ve gained 15 pounds in the last 3 weeks, which is great. I used to be repulsed by food, and felt too much pressure and expectation around eating. After trying other modalities over the years, I believed that nothing could help me, but this has.


"After our last session, I decided to try some foods I’d been sensitive to and the symptoms were less severe, if any, and didn’t last as long.” 


You are absolutely amazing! Your ability to see the true issues and hone in on them and your compassion are a gift.


I’m amazed at how fast changes can happen with MAP. I’ve tried to make these changes repeatedly with affirmations and other methods, but it just didn’t work.


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