Learn how advanced neural retraining methods can address mental, emotional and physical health. Each episode focuses on a health issue, client story or a practitioner. Formerly named the Flourish with Functional Nutrition podcast (episodes 1-28). Please note that the information we share in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical care.
Join me for episode 43 where we talk with Dana Da Ponte, a professional intuitive, artist, and a MAP Method Practitioner from Calgary, Canada. We talk about her journey, her work with the Empaths, Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) and Intuitives and how she helps people manage anxiety, overwhelm, negative thinking and self-sabotage patterns. Learn about how she uses the phases of the moon as a support system for Highly Sensitive People in her Moon Mapping Year and Art Journaling programs and the emotional and creative benefits. Listen until the end to hear how you can learn more about Dana’s work.
In this episode we discuss:
Don’t miss
episode 31
where MAP Practitioner, Amy Soule, and I discuss Frequently Asked Questions about the MAP Method™ of advanced neural retraining. For more information on Dana’s approach and services, please visit
danadaponte.com and sign up to get her free Creative Moon Guide which is delivered to your inbox every full and new moon. Or join her free community
Art Journaling with the Moon for Intuitive Healing
Join me for episode 42 where we talk with my client, Kathy, about her experience with the advanced neural retraining technique, known as the MAP Method, for stage 4 breast cancer. We discuss the book Radical Remission by Kelly A. Turner, PhD and the three radical remission factors that we worked on using the MAP Method. Hear Kathy talk about the connection between stuck emotions and cancer and why releasing them was a key to her recovery.
In this episode we discuss:
Don’t miss
episode 29 where the founder of the MAP Method™ of advanced neural retraining talks about the origins of the method, the research behind it and the applications. To learn more about the MAP Method please visit
www.mapcoachinginstitute.com. For more information on my work with MAP for chronic health issues, please join my Facebook group
Mind ReMAP for Health or visit
MindReMAPforHealth.com to sign up for your introductory session or a free 15-minute consultation by phone.
Join me for episode 41 where we talk with my client Aaron about his experience with MAP sessions, a method of advanced neural retraining, for emotional trauma from childhood experiences. The MAP Method can address memories of all kinds including the emotional and the physical, for example trauma from injuries or surgeries, and this includes unconsciously held memories. Hear about what it is like to be in a MAP session, the emotional, mental and physical benefits he experienced after 3 sessions and why he would recommend the method to others.
In this episode we discuss:
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where we hear Helen’s story about using the MAP Method to resolve chronic pain from an autoimmune condition and food sensitivities. For more information on the Mind ReMAP approach and services, please join my Facebook page
Mind ReMAP for Health or visit
MindReMAPforHealth.com to sign up for your introductory MAP session or a free 15-minute consultation by phone.
Join me for episode 40 where we talk with my client, Helen Scharber, about her experience with MAP sessions, a method of advanced neural retraining, for her chronic pain from an autoimmune condition known as Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) and food sensitivities. Hear about what it is like to be in a MAP session, the benefits she received from a set of six sessions and why she would recommend the method to others.
In this episode we discuss:
Don’t miss
episode 33 where we discuss the MAP Method for complex chronic conditions with Functional Medicine specialist, Cathy Moore. To learn more about the MAP Method please visit
www.mapcoachinginstitute.com. For more information on my approach and services, please join my Facebook page
Mind ReMAP for Health or visit
MindReMAPforHealth.com to sign up for your introductory session or a free 15-minute consultation by phone.
Join me for episode 39 where we talk with Dr. Anne Uemura, a therapist and MAP Method practitioner with training in many methods, including Psych-K, Matrix Energetics and Theta Healing. She is the author of Listen to the Cries of Your Heart.
In this episode we talk about her journey, her work with the Inner Child and how she uses the MAP Method in her practice. Hear about her work with the MAP Method to heal inner wounds received in childhood that are barriers to emotional, mental and physical health. Listen until the end to hear how you can learn more about Dr. Uemura’s work.
In this episode we discuss:
Don’t miss
episode 29 where Colette Streicher, the founder of the MAP Method™ of advanced neural retraining, talks about the origins of the method, the research behind it and the applications. To learn more about working with Dr. Uemura please visit:
annekuemuraphd.com or find her on Instagram:
Join me for episode 38 where we will discuss how we can retrain the brain to overcome allergies and sensitivities. I’m going to talk about my work with allergies and sensitivities as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and how working with the brain resolved my sensitivities as well as a number of chronic health issues. Learn about basic methods for neural retraining, like DNRS, and why an advanced method is needed for those with higher levels of lifetime trauma.
Hear about my new program, MAP for Sensitivities, a unique program that works on two levels - the conscious and subconscious to retrain the brain to tolerate foods, chemicals, mold and other environmental irritants and more. Listen until the end to hear about the format of the program and how you can learn more and register.
In this episode we discuss:
Don’t miss
episode 30 where I discuss the impact of trauma on chronic health issues and
episode 29
where the founder of the MAP Method™ describes the origins of the method, the research behind it, and the applications. To learn more about the MAP Method for chronic health issues, or the MAP for Sensitivities program, please visit
Join me for episode 37 where we talk with Debbie Laino, a MAP Method(TM) practitioner and nutrition health coach, who is the founder of the Ageless Woman movement. In this episode we talk about her life story, her interest in health coaching, yoga and neuroscience and how she found the advanced neural retraining method known as the MAP Method. Hear about her work with MAP for emotional eating and weight loss. Listen until the end to hear about how you can join her next 8-week Emotional Eating program.
In this episode we discuss:
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episode 36 where we talk with Dr. Kelly Halderman about MAP for Emotional Fitness and health issues such as chronic fatigue, deeper sleep and acne. To learn more about Debbie Laino and her practice or to sign up for the next 8-week Emotional Eating program, please visit:
https://agelesswomanmovement.com/ or find her
Ageless Woman Movement group on Facebook.
Join me for episode 36 where we talk with Dr. Kelly Halderman, who holds two medical degrees in Family Practice and Naturopathic Medicine. She is co-author of
The Thyroid Debacle with Dr. Eric Balcavage, a manuscript she was working on when we met and where she includes her thoughts on the benefits of the MAP Method for chronic conditions. In this episode we discuss Dr. Kelly’s personal experiences with MAP sessions for chronic fatigue, deeper sleep and skin issues. Listen until the end to hear about how it feels to be in a MAP session and how long it takes to experience significant shifts.
In this episode we discuss:
Don’t miss
episode 29 where we interviewed Colette Streicher, licensed psychotherapist and founder of the MAP Method™, about the origins, applications and research behind the method. To order Dr. Kelly Halderman’s new book,
The Thyroid Debacle, visit
Amazon.com or your favorite book seller. To learn more, please follow Dr. Kelly Halderman and Dr. Eric Balcavage on Instagram.
Join me for episode 32 where we will meet Jelena Katić Ujević, a top MAP Method™ coach and MAP Method instructor from Croatia. Hear about the mental, emotional and physical improvements she experienced through MAP sessions. We discuss how the MAP Method addresses physical symptoms and Jelena’s impressive work with autoimmune and chronic conditions. Listen until the end to learn how you can participate in Jelena’s autoimmune program.
In this episode we discuss:
For more information about Jelena’s work, to view testimonial videos about the autoimmune program or to contact her, please visit:
In the “When your body says YES” program, you will go deep into your subconscious mind to release beliefs, emotions, and experiences that have led to chronic stress and health challenges, thereby improving immune system function and reducing inflammation.
To register for Jelena’s “When the Body Says YES” program for autoimmune and chronic conditions, please use this link and code HEALTHIER2020COACHING for a special discount: https://www.mapcoachinginstitute.com/offers/uEfv4doq