Retrain Your Brain for
Allergies & Sensitivities
When DNRS is not enough, now there is the MAP Method.
Your tolerance for foods, chemicals and environmental allergens can be reset by retraining your brain. That’s right--no more avoiding foods and social situations for fear of chemical, environmental or dietary exposures. Yes, you can overcome sensitivities to foods, chemicals, pollen, dust, heat, medications, or any other external stimuli that cause reactions.
If you've tried a basic neural retraining method, like DNRS or Gupta, and it was not enough, we now have an advanced method. With the MAP MethodTM of advanced neural retraining we can address the underlying causes that predisposed you to developing sensitivities in the first place.
In MAP Method sessions, the rewiring takes place in the session. No need to repeat scripts and visualizations, or practice for hours. Limiting beliefs can be identified and replaced allowing you to reintroduce items more quickly and efficiently.
"I have been able to reintroduce a handful of foods, mostly lectin-containing. I haven’t had a headache in a month, not even the precursor symptoms that usually lead up to a headache"
Learn how neural retraining can re-establish tolerance in the brain. The next two videos in the playlist will answer your questions about the difference between basic and advanced neural retraining, and why this method of advanced neural retraining is still relatively unknown.
This Program is designed to retrain the brain for intolerances, sensitivities and allergies including, but not limited to, food, chemicals and environment. The Program is intended as a convenient, economical way to participate in a structured set of MAP sessions and exercises with MAP audio files for support. The program is designed for adults, but teens and children may participate under adult supervision. This program comes bundled with the MAP Introduction program.
Program fee includes 6 months of online access: $495
Or, subscribe monthly for more flexibility.
The MAP for Sensitivities program works on two levels: neural retraining principles for the conscious mind and advanced neural retraining sessions for the subconscious mind.
By working with both levels of mind at the same time we can achieve quicker, more durable results without the need for months of practice.
The online self-paced program includes a structured set of MAP sessions and activities organized over 4 weeks including core concept videos, recorded MAP sessions, audio files and other resources. The time commitment is about 3 hours a week. You can repeat the 4-week cycle as often as needed.
An overview of the MAP for Sensitivities online self-paced program..
Learn how your lifetime history of trauma - emotional, physical, or infectious - increases your risk of developing allergies & sensitivities.
Listen to episode 30 of the Flourish Podcast: Trauma and Chronic Illness to learn more.
In this interview, we discuss the development of the MAP for Sensitivities program, how it differs from basic neural retraining methods, and how working with the brain can re-establish tolerance.
Basic neural retraining methods, like DNRS, Sarno, Gupta or Retrain Your Brain, are not enough for some people. Especially for those with more significant lifetime trauma experiences, progress can be difficult with a do-it-yourself retraining approach.
For others, it's not feasible to commit to an hour of practice for 3-6 months. In these cases, an advanced method of neural retraining is the solution. With the MAP Method rewiring takes place in the sessions--no practice necessary.
Learn more about the MAP Method and the MAP for Sensitivities program which combines the principles of basic methods with the power and speed of the MAP Method in Flourish Podcast episode 38.
"Thank you so much again for creating this program. I am doing so well with introducing new foods. I have added about 4-5 new foods recently!"
Frequently asked questions about the MAP for Sensitivities program.
For frequently asked questions about the MAP Method, visit the FAQs page or Neural Retraining Q&A.
Allow 3 hours per week, if you are doing the program at the recommended pace. One cycle of the program is 4 weeks, and multiple cycles are often needed to achieve your goals.
Most people are successfully initiated to the MAP Method and benefit from sessions. Those who do not include people on significant doses of benzodiazepine medications, and those who are cut off from their emotions. Read the article, Will the MAP Method Work for Me, to learn more.
The program is intended to be a supplement to live MAP sessions over Zoom. An Introductory MAP session provides the initiation necessary to prime your subconscious mind to MAP instructions. Read more about how MAP Programs work.
For those without a significant trauma history, one live MAP session per month or cycle of the Program is recommended. More live sessions may be beneficial for those with more complex patterns or significant lifetime trauma.
Read client testimonials and hear clients describe the benefits they received from MAP sessions.
Try a course: How Does MAP Work?, Heal the Mind and Body, or Tips for Effective Sessions.
Hear practitioner perspectives, case studies, and client stories in our podcast episodes.
Read articles about the MAP Method, it's applications, and comparisons to other methods.