Still Struggling with Symptoms, Despite Trying Everything?

There's a better way to get to the root causes behind your chronic health issues. Discover the surprising connection between your symptoms and subconscious stress.

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Mindbody healing that's easy, gentle and effective.

Try the latest energy psychology technique, a leap over EMDR or tapping. So advanced it's now considered neural retraining. As simple as meditation, yet powerful results.

A science-backed method that uses the brain's ability to heal itself to resolve blocks in the subconscious mind to optimize your healing capabilities.

How it Works

Learn more about the MAP Method of advanced neural retraining with these videos.

(If the videos are not loading, hit the reload button in your browser, or use the title links to view them on YouTube.)

How long term memories can be changed, quickly and easily in a session without equipment or effort.

Brain wave studies taken during a session show the impact of the practitioner's verbal instructions. The client's brain is rewiring itself!

Watch Jill experience the power of a MAP session in real time. About 97% of clients can resolve a painful memory in a 1 hour session.

"We believe, and we have seen, that our brain can

actually heal itself on instruction in minutes."

- Colette Streicher, Founder of the MAP Method TM


Retrain your brain quickly and effortlessly in MAP Sessions

Resolve Anxiety & Depression

  • Trauma healing
  • Negarive mood states
  • Negative thoughts
  • Self-defeating behaviors
  • Limiting beliefs

Accelerate Healing

  • Chronic fatique
  • Low thyroid function
  • Immune dyregulation
  • Allergies/Sensitivities
  • Autoimmune conditions

What to Expect

While everyone responds to sessions differently, here are a few guidelines.

(All sessions are done virtually over Zoom videoconference.)

With 1 MAP Session...

We can significantly reduce the emotional pain around an event or trauma experience, start to change a disempowering belief, or clear a simple phobia.

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With 3 MAP Sessions...

We can reduce worry, rumination, and catastrophising, silence the inner critic, or rewire patterns like perfectionism and procrastination.

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With 6 or more MAP Sessions...

We can see changes in complex or long-standing patterns, obsessive or compulsive tendencies, sensitivities, fatigue, pain, or other physical symptoms.

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"I’m walking every day and eating a variety of foods. I never imagined I would feel this good again. You and your support are the greatest gifts I've received this year!"

- Laura


"After the session, my nervous system calmed down completely.  The overwhelm was gone. I sat and read a book for the first time in years.” - Tara


"I ate potatoes and peppers without bladder pain since the last session." -Lisa 

I'm Madeleine Lowry...

a neural retraining specialist who works with chronic health issues. If you are looking for a better way to reclaim your health let's talk by phone to see if neural retraining is your next best step.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Get Started with Neural Retraining

Listen to the Podcast

Flourish with Neural Retraining episodes feature client stories and tips.

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Introductory Package

Ready to try MAP? Save on your first 3 sessions. Book online. Sessions via Zoom.

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Intro to MAP

Get started instantly with a convenient, affordable, on-demand recorded session.


Free Courses

How Does MAP Work?, Heal the Mind and Body, and Tips for Effective Sessions.

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